When the player heads for Monkey Mountain to complete the Numbuh Three Nano mission, she asks for the player's aid in saving a family of Rainbow Monkeys, including Baby Monkey, who was in the possession of Fusion Numbuh Three.
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Her sweet personality has easily made her friends with Bubbles, in which Numbuh Three helps mend the injuries of Bubbles' squirrel, Bullet, during Squirrel Squad she then directs the player to the local Infected Zone to investigate the culprit of the attack on Bullet. Who do you think should play Numbuh 3 in FusionFall Vote now m圜ast lets YOU choose your dream cast to play each role in upcoming movies and TV shows. All of these models are from Cartoon Networks FusionFall and a few from FusionFall Heroes.

She wonders about Mandy's cold personality and thinks she needs a hug. Powerpuff Girls:Blossom,Bubbles,Buttercup,Professer Utonium,Mojo Jojo,Him,The Mayor,Ace,Fuzzy Lumpkins,Princess,Mojo Monkey Minons Dexters Laboratory:Dexter,Dee Dee. In the Past, she's at Mount Blackhead with Numbuh Four, Coco, Mac, and Ed. I last updated this list on 5/3/11, so as missions are added to the Wiki it will become outdated.

Numbuh Three is nowhere to be seen in the Future.